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analyse BioLab GmbH

26 Nations at ESCMID Workshop in Linz

3rd ESCMID PGEC on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and Surveillance sucessfully completed at analyse BioLab

In a warm and amicably athmosphere microbiologists from 26 (!) countries from all over the world met in Linz and sucessfully attended the 3rd ESCMID Postgraduate Technical Workshop, which took place from September 16-19 2014, following the EUCAST Steering committee meeting. Lectures presented by EUCAST SC members as well as practical sessions at analyse BioLab with hands on  practical details as well as important methodological EUCAST tasks were presented, discussed and finally trained directly at the bench in form of  wet-lab sessions.

The feed-back from the attendees was outstanding positive and the local organizers would like to thank everyone involved in planning, organisation and finally performing this event: ECDC,  the ESCMID study groups EUCAST, ESGARS and EPASG; attendees and sponsors and finally the team of analyse BioLab, without the committment and enthusiasm of whom this course would not have been such a success. 












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